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Calling all tech enthusiasts!


Ben here, and I’ll be managing the PC builds we offer here on the site. I take care of creating and optimizing the parts lists that we base our builds on, and I will be personally assembling your system by hand so that you can rest assured you have the highest quality system in your hands as soon as possible. I’m more than happy to work with you one-on-one to create the custom system of your dreams.

If you’ve got questions or concerns, you can email, and I’ll get you the information you need. Be sure to register on the site and bring a friend! We’re the customer-oriented tech solutions company that’s got your back.

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What an IP Rating is and why you should care

Many people have heard that the latest flagship phones from Sony, Samsung, and Apple have water resistance.  Maybe you have read the box and noticed something called an, “IP Rating”.  IP, stands for ingress protection.  Basically, how well does the product stand up to entry of both solid particles like dust, and liquids like water.

The first number is for solid protection and goes from 0, for no protection, to 6, for total protection.  The second number is for liquid protection, 0 for none, to 9k for protection against close-range high pressure, high temperature spray downs.

Almost all phones marketed as, “waterproof,” have a solid protection rating of 6.  This means that if you work in construction or another dusty environment, your phone will handle it just fine.  Most phones have a water protection rating of at least 7, which allows for submersion of 1 meter for a short time, so long as all covers are sealed and nothing is plugged into the device for about two hours.

Keep in mind, your liquid protection does not apply to salt water usually, and trusting a $25 case to protect a $800 phone is a bad idea.  But, if a rain storm should happen to strike while you’re making a call, or you spill your coffee; your phone will be ok as long as the ports are sealed.  To ensure your ports are always sealed, you may want to use wireless headphones, since they don’t need to connect to an uncovered port.

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What is ransomware, and what can I do?

Ransomware is a type of malware that holds the information on your computer hostage in exchange for a ransom.  Usually, there is a deadline to pay the ransom, and a means of contacting the people holding your data.  Your data will still be on your hdd or ssd, but the ransomers encrypt it, and they and only they have the key to decrypt it.  The FBI says that you should not pay the ransom, as there is no guarantee that the ransom holders will give you the decryption keys.  The best defenses against a ransomware attack are as follows.


  • Make sure all security updates and patches are installed.
  • Have both network and non network backups, such as flash drives or dvds.
  • Download files only from sources you trust, or use to scan links and files before opening them.
  • Change the name of default user accounts on your system, as well as the passwords.
  • Make sure to use a non admin account on your computer.  This way, malware may not always get admin access to your system.
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SSD, HDD??? What’s the difference?

Many people are familiar with the term, “Hard Disk Drive”, but have no idea what it means and why they should care.  Same with, “Solid State Drive”.  Let the experts at Bendy Computers break it down for you.


  • Stores files permanently on moving magnetic disks, called platters.
  • Usually is cheaper and has more space than a SSD.
  • Is slower to load than an SSD.
  • Is very vulnerable to drops.


  • Stores files permanently on flash memory.
  • Has no moving parts, and thus is more durable.
  • Is more expensive than a HDD of the same size.
  • Loads significantly faster than a HDD.


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Have a questionable link?

Has this ever happened to you?  You get an email, file, or link you want to open; but aren’t sure if it’s safe?  Fret no more.  Just go to and enter the link, or upload the file in question.  It will scan it with multiple anti malware engines to give you a heads up if you’re headed for dangerous waters.  Should you get infected anyway, we have you covered at a good price.  One of us even has a degree.