Microsoft is testing a “warning” for Windows 10 users not to install Chrome or Firefox. Microsoft is in the final stages of testing its October update. Testers have spotted a pop-up that appears when you try to install a rival web browser. “You already have Microsoft Edge – the safer, faster browser for Windows 10” says a nuisance message that appears when you run the Chrome or Firefox install files.
While the messages can be dismissed, they’re yet another example of Microsoft infesting thier products with annoyances. This change escalates Microsoft’s war against Chrome even further. Why Microsoft thinks it’s a good idea to include this garbage is beyond me, but it may only make people install Chrome just to spite Microsoft.
Works Cited
Warren, T. (2018, September 12). Microsoft tests ‘warning’ Windows 10 users not to install Chrome or Firefox. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from %1$s&share=