And by signal, we mean a cell signal. Many people use their phone to get around, but what if you’re so far from civilization that you have no internet?
Google Maps is installed on almost every Android device and can also be installed on iOS ones. It offers the option of storing maps and information for offline use on your phone. Just select offline maps in the main sidebar menu. It’s even possible to search within this selected area without mobile reception. However, the offline map doesn’t contain as much information as its internet connected brother.
Of course there are alternatives to Google Maps like Waze, but they aren’t as polished or as tested by your local Uber driver as Google Maps. All you need is a smartphone, storage, and the ability to download the maps ahead of time. Maps downloaded for offline use can be several hundred megabytes in size; it’s best to download them over a WiFi connection so as not to consume your data allowance. For the apps to work, they have to be given permission to access the smartphone’s location and GPS has to be enabled. GPS doesn’t need an Internet connection or even phone reception, but it does consume a lot of energy, so it makes sense to bring a power cord.
If you need help, we offer remote support, and offer competitive pricing for customers who meet us at an Enoch Pratt Library Branch.
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