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Fortnight on android, minus Google Play

Epic Games has changed the game of mobile gaming by announcing it’s not going through the official Google Play Store to distribute it’s popular game Fortnite

On the surface, it seems like purely monetary decision.  But it’s more about end user experience and product control.

As a trade-off, Epic Games won’t be able to rely on the built-in features of Google Play for things like receiving payments or parental controls. These are problems that also exist in the PC version of the game, but Epic Games seems to address them well.

“First of all, no payments are possible unless you define a payment method for your Fortnite account,” Tim Sweeney explained. “Then we support one-time payments so that a permanent payment method isn’t remembered for the account. We’ll be working on more features along these lines over the coming months, applicable to all platforms where Epic accepts payments directly.”

Just remember that tech isn’t perfect, and dev work and features take time.  Computer professionals aren’t God and don’t have all the answers instantly.  It will be interesting to see how Fortnite develops on mobile.

Kuchera, B. (2018, August 06). Fortnite on Android: Epic’s Tim Sweeney discusses clones, payment systems and timing. Retrieved August 6, 2018, from



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