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ACM Hippocratic Oath For Computing Professionals

This code was just released a few months ago, but since we were not aware of it, we’ll adapt our bill of rights, policies, and procedures to it.  Honestly were were ahead of the game 3 years ago, and we still are, but here’s a summary of it.

1.1 Contribute to society and to human well-being, acknowledging that all people are stakeholders in computing.

1.2 Avoid harm.

1.3 Be honest and trustworthy.

1.3 Be honest and trustworthy.

1.5 Respect the work required to produce new ideas, inventions, creative works, and computing artifacts.

1.6 Respect privacy.

1.7 Honor confidentiality.

Works Cited

Garcia, S. E. (2018, August 15). For 9 Hours, Cubans Got Internet in an Unusual Place: Everywhere. Retrieved August 16, 2018, from
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